Back Pain

Video Consultation

 Have you been a victim of back-pain?

Has your back pain proven to be troublesome? If yes, did you know that work from home during this pandemic can be a cause? Are you sitting whole day for online classes and frequently observing back pain? Do you know the postures in which we sit or stand also affects our spine? Guys it’s time to understand your spine!

Lower back pain is one of the leading causes of physical disability especially at the workplace. Research indicates that almost 80% of the population are likely to suffer from lower back pain in their lifetime.

Know your spine

The spine is our body's central support structure. It keeps us upright and connects the different parts of the skeleton to each other; our head, chest, pelvis, shoulders, arms and legs. The spine in our body is made up of a chain of bones, it is flexible due to elastic ligaments and spinal discs.

The spine is composed of 33 bones called vertebrae which are divided into five main parts namely, the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine sections, sacrum and coccyx bones. Spine also consists of 23 discs which are the shock absorbers. There are supporting structures called ligaments around the spine namely, ligamentum flavum, anterior longitudinal ligament (ALL) and posterior longitudinal ligament.

Too much of loading /burden on spine can result in protrusion of bones towards spine affecting it in long run and causing various symptoms like numbness in extremities and resulting in ailments like sciatica.

Postures causing pressure on spine 

If you ask me which posture is too bad for your spine, I would say the bending posture, the best example would be the bending posture while mopping your floors.

Secondly, it’s the sitting posture which causes pressure on your spine. For example you sit for long hours in front of your computer for an online class.

Thirdly, pressure contributed to your spine is by standing for long hours. F

For example, you are a security guard and you stand for 4 – 8 hours guarding the place.

One of the least affecting posture would be sleeping posture, so you are advised to take total bed rest if you encounter any spinal injury.

Who are more at a risk to develop back ache?

Students attending online classes.

Long hours work from home using computers.

Teachers and security guard standing for long hours.

Bike travellers.

How to prevent back-ache

Make changes in your sedentary lifestyle, you must be imagining how?

You always need to maintain a healthy weight. Excess of fat accumulation around your abdomen and spine can weaken your spinal muscles and generate pressure at your spines, leading to back pain.

Maintain a proper posture while at work place.

For example, consider using a chair with a backrest that supports the curve of your lower (lumbar) back.

Avoid distant travelling using a motor bike.

If at all you are planning to travel use proper spine friendly seats.

Few exercises to strengthen your spinal muscles

Now let us take you to physiotherapy it is most widely used treatment to gain relief from back pain. It is in single line of treatment as well as in combination with other treatments.

So here are few examples

Stretching exercises

Some basic stretching exercises such as shoulder stretch, chest stretch, back stretch, knee to chest stretch etc.

Strengthening exercises

Neck rotations, shoulder rolls, wall push ups, seated abs twist, calf raise

Take home message

Do remember that your spine provides structural support, balance and it protects your spinal cord and nerves.

Talking about nerves, they are responsible for various body reflexes and actions. So kindly watch the video from our experts, learn about your back bone, prevent back pain by taking few precautions, strengthen your spinal muscles by performing simple exercises and overall live a healthy life.

Article by,Dr. Imy Innies

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