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As the covid pandemic spreads across the world like wildfire, fear, worry and concern has gripped us all. Who would have ever foreseen this health crisis and the impact it has had on health, especially mental and emotional health.

Reality Strikes :

The looming economic crisis, multiple lockdowns, physical and social distancing and the visual media playing this apocalypse back and forth,  all this has definitely taken a toll on our mental health. So it is a natural response for our minds to experience anxiety, fearfulness and hopelessness. It is  common to find ourselves struggling with productivity on most days, overburdened with feelings of  guilt and disappointment. But remember you are not alone in this!

Reach Out for Help!

So what can be done to help someone out of this situation? Do not hesitate and be willing to ask for help and always reach out. Here are some pointers to lead the way :

  • Stay connected!  Staying connected with family and friends will help de-stress yourself and would give you a different perspective. Leaning on people, pets and plants can act as safety nets .
  • Pause. Breathe. Reflect & Relax - Find time to do what you love like reading, listening to music, praying, meditation and breathing exercises.

  • Make a conscious effort to stay away from negative news and restrict yourself to watching it once or twice a day.
  • Good mental immunity can be attained by good food hygiene, sleep habits and regular exercises.
  • Be there for one another and help redistribute your workload at home. Find quality time for family and kids. Special care must be given to the elderly.

Take home message : 

Spot out those who need psychological first aid – “LOOK , LISTEN & LINK” , this can help sort out those who need professional help. You do not need to struggle in silence! It’s okay not to be okay and this realization alone can help you overcome these difficult times.

To shed more light , on the importance of mental health , we have our Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Reshma Susan Mathew.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Article by, Dr. Sreeja Raju