The Zika virus

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The Zika virus was initially identified in 1947 and was named after the Ugandan Zika Forest. Zika was initially discovered in humans on 1952 and epidemics have subsequently been observed in tropical Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands. In many places, Zika epidemics are likely to have occurred. Before 2007, there had been at least 14 recorded cases of Zika but more cases had been reported.Many instances of Zika may have gone unnoticed since the symptoms are similar to those of many other illnesses.

Signs and symptoms

The incubation period for Zika virus disease is estimated to be 3–14 days from the moment of exposure to the onset of symptoms. Majority of theZika virus infected patients do not show any symptoms. Fever, rash, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint discomfort, malaise, and headache are the most common symptoms, and they usually last 2–7 days.

Complications of Zika virus disease

Brain and other congenital abnormalities in the newborns are caused by Zika virus infection during pregnancy. Pregnancy problems such as abortion and premature birth can also be caused by Zika infection during pregnancy.Zika virus infection is also a trigger of a rare disorder in which your body's immune system attacks your nerves (Guillain-Barré syndrome), damage to one or more nerves and swelling of spinal cord, particularly in adults and older children.

Research is ongoing to find out the impact of Zika virus infection on pregnancy outcomes, preventive and control methods;the consequences of infection on various neurological diseases in children and adults.


The Zika virus is mostly transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito of the species Aedes, namely Aedesaegypti.Aedesmosquito bite is most common throughout the day, with peak in the bite rates early in the morning and late afternoon/evening. Dengue, chikungunya, and yellow fever are all spread by the same insect.

The Zika virus can also be passed from mother to foetus during pregnancy,sexual contact, blood products transfusions, and organ donation.


Symptoms of Zika virus infection may be suspected in people who live in or visit locations where Zika virus transmission and/or Aedes mosquito vectors are present. Only laboratory testing of blood or other body fluids, such as urine or sperm, can establish a diagnosis of Zika virus infection.


Infection with the Zika virus or the illnesses it causes has no cure.Infection with the Zika virus generally causes very minor symptoms. People who have symptoms like fever, rash, or joint pain should relax, drink lots of fluids, and manage pain and fever with common medicines. They should seek medical help and guidance if their symptoms worsen.

Pregnant women who live in Zika-infected areas or who experience Zika-related symptoms should seek medical attention for laboratory tests and other clinical care.


Mosquito bites

A crucial method to prevent Zika virus infection is to avoid mosquito bites throughout the day and early evening. Pregnant women, women of reproductive age, and young children should be given extra care when it comes to mosquito bite prevention.

Personal protection techniques include wearing light-colored clothing that covers as much of the body as possible, utilising physical barriers such as window screens and locked doors and windows, and applying insect repellent to skin or clothes according to product label directions.

While sleeping during the day or early evening, young children and pregnant women should sleep under mosquito nets. To protect themselves from mosquito bites, travelers and residents in impacted regions should follow the same basic procedures outlined above.

Mosquitoes of the Aedes genus breed in tiny pools of water near houses, schools, and workplaces. Water storage containers, standing water in flower pots, and rubbish and old tyres should be removed.To minimise mosquito breeding places; community actions are critical to assist local government and public health programmes.To minimise mosquito populations and illness spread, health officials may recommend the use of insecticides.

There is no vaccine available to prevent or treat Zika virus infection. The development of a Zika vaccine is currently ongoing.

Transmission in pregnancy

The Zika virus may be passed from mother to foetus during pregnancy, causing microcephaly (a smaller-than-normal head size) and other congenital abnormalities in the baby, which is known as congenital Zika syndrome.

Microcephaly is caused by a lack of brain tissue or improper brain growth. The severity of the brain injury has an impact on the child's fate.

Other deformities associated with congenital Zika syndrome include limb contractures, excessive muscle tone, visual problems, and hearing loss. The incidence of inborn abnormalities after Zika virus infection during pregnancy is unclear; an estimated 5–15 percent of babies born to mothers who were infected with Zika virus during pregnancy had Zika-related problems.

Sexual transmission

The Zika virus may be passed from person to person through sexual contact. This is a cause of concern since Zika virus infection has been linked to adverse pregnancy and foetal outcomes.

WHO recommends that sexually active men and women should be properly counselled and provided a wide variety of contraceptive optionsin order to make an educated decision about whether and when to get pregnant and avoid potentially harmful pregnancy and foetal consequences.

Women who have had unprotected intercourse and do not want to become pregnant due to fears of Zika virus infection should be able to get emergency contraception and counselling quickly.